DNS Spy Privacy Policy

While DNS records are essentially "public" in the sense that anyone can query your nameserver(s) for records, there is an inherent sensitive side to DNS records.

We at DNS Spy are aware of that sensitive nature, as you might have DNS records that should remain hidden. This privacy policy highlights the actions we've taken to secure your data and prevent misuse.

Privacy Policy

Access Control

Only you have access to your own domain data. You can add or remove contacts from your DNS Spy dashboard to control who can or cannot see your domains.

If someone leaves your organisation, you can delete their user account to prevent further access.

Secure Coding Standards

We follow all best practices to secure against web application vulnerabilities, both from a secure coding standpoint as well as the server environment that runs the application.

Data stored in Belgium

Your DNS record data is stored at our datacenter provider, Nucleus, in Belgium, Europe.

We adhere to local law enforcement and data retention policies. Our datacenter and hosting infrastructure is ISO 27001 certified.

The right to be forgotten

When you delete your account or stop monitoring a domain, we permanently delete those records. We do not "soft delete" in order to restore quickly afterwards.

When you click the delete button, your data and all its history is gone.